This past weekend I conquered a major fear of mine. The people who know me best know what a chicken I am when it comes to driving long distances. Yes, and it's embarrassing. I've said it. I don't know why I'm hesitant. I guess it's because crazy drivers scare me, and I'm always afraid someone's going to ram into me. I know. I'm weird, and I've accepted it. Anyway, when I was hired to shoot a Quinceañera in San Jose, although at first hesitant about the distance from my comfort zone, I was determined to get over my fear and just go for it. Conquering fears is one of the major things I'm working on right now. If I don't get over it, how am I supposed to thrive in this business? So, this weekend I head down south and with the help of my GPS I made it there safe and sound. When I got to the venue, I swear I felt like a little girl. I was singing Dora the Explorer's "We did it!" song in my head. (Parents of little ones will get And I did a little dance. Alone in my car.
Along with this tiny achievement, I accomplished another goal. I took some really great portraits! Another one of my goals is to take amazing pictures SOOC (straight out of camera) and do as little editing as possible. This wasn't easy. At least for me. I'm so proud of this work, that I have to show a before and after. These photos were taken at this weekend's event. I'm still working on some minor editing, so pics will be up on the blog soon!
You'll notice that I did very minor retouching on this picture. Just a little warming and sharpening. Voila!