I'm not one to face my fears. I'm not about conquering the world.
I. am. a. coward. A lily-livered scaredy cat. A yellow-bellied chicken. Okay, I've gone too far with the thesaurus.
Anyway, in pursuit of perfecting my skills, or make myself a better photographer, I've had to convince myself that I need to step out of my comfort zone. I need to put myself in challenging situations.
Um, nu-uh. I don't like it. I don't like challenges. I like the comfort of the "known". I want to be in the safe-zone. I'm a safety-gal. Why, you ask? Because I'm afraid to fail. I do what I'm good at and stick to it. If I step out of that zone and I suck at anything, I give up. I know it's not the best way to go about things but that's who I've been, and that's what I want to change especially when it comes to photography.
Some of you are probably laughing, (at me, not with me) because this seems kind of silly. But it's true. And one of the things that I've been putting off in my self-education is shooting photos in M mode, or manual. The thought alone sends shivers down my spine. Ok stop laughing. Seriously! The fact that I could take control of my camera and control the settings scares me! I wish I could stay in the safe zone, but in order for me to get better I have to get over this fear and just do it. What if I go out there on a paid gig, shoot manually and all the photos come out horrible??? How could I ever show my face in public? BUT I have to try. So I've been practicing, and I know it will take lots of practice but I will get better at it. So, from now on my camera will remain in the dreaded M mode and every photo I post hereon out will be shot manually.
Wish me luck.